Kicking It With Christian

Welcome to the vibrant world of Kicking it with Christian. Christian is an inspiring young entrepreneur, content creator, athlete, model, actor, and muse for authors with a passion for motivating others and exploring the wonders of life through science, engineering, art, sports and more!

Kicking it with Christian Unleashes Curiosity on YouTube

Join the adventure as he conducts captivating science experiments, tackles exciting engineering challenges, shares engaging hobbies, showcases imaginative art projects, and unveils a world of fun activities for kids. Each video is a journey of discovery, fostering a love for learning and encouraging hands-on exploration.

Chronicles of an Adventurous Life

Kicking it with Christian doesn't just stop at videos – [he/she] is also a muse for budding authors! Delve into books inspired by Christian's real-life experiences, providing a glimpse into the adventures, challenges, and triumphs of growing up with a curious mind. These heartwarming tales are perfect for young readers seeking inspiration and relatable stories.

Print Model and Actor

Whether in print or on screen, Christian is a dynamic force in the world of modeling and acting. As a model, he brings inspiration to life. On-screen, he delivers powerful performances that leave a lasting impact.  

A Sports Sensation

Beyond entrepreneurship, content creation, and being an inspiration, Kicking it with Christian on YouTube showcases the kid as a multifaceted sports talent whose enthusiasm and skills development knows no bounds. Check out what natural ability, skills development, game experience, hard work and tenacity does that keeps this kid winning!

Shop Kicking it with Christian's Creations

Kicking it with Christian is building a collection of creations from motivational posters to friendship bracelets and more crafted with youthful enthusiasm, designed to ignite inspiration and positivity in the hearts of kids and adults alike. From colorful affirmations to whimsical illustrations, these creations are wanted by every kid on the planet.

Whether you're a young explorer, a parent seeking educational content, or someone looking for a dose of positivity, Kicking it with Christian is a beacon of joy and endless possibilities.